Thursday, 22 April 2010

Best Looking Bus Stop in All London

Is this the most beautiful bus stop in London or what?! Incredibly fragrant blossoms drizzle down on you while you wait.

Please check it out - about half-way down Berkshire Road - right opposite Leabank Square.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Mabley Green Meadow is So Beautiful!!

A great day out was had by all yesterday - at Hackney Wick newest garden.

Thank you to Chris King for organising such a successful launch. And of course - thanks to everyone who turned up to help, weed, dig, clear, barrow - & plant the soon-to-be stunning wildflower meadow.

There is still quite a lot to do - so if anyone wants to still help out - please call Chris @ 07747 437 236. So whether its gardening, weeding, planting, donating - or even just caring - please get involved with your new local garden.

It's there for all of us to enjoy!

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Mabley Green Meadow - Hackney Wick's Newest Garden

Please come down to the gap of land between the back of the Eastway Terraces & the A12 Flyover - to help plant up Hackney Wick newest community garden. Chris King is organising a group of local residents to get started - but could really do with many more. So - if you have a few spare hours free on Saturday 17th April - then please take a stroll down to the Mabley Green Meadow after 10.30am.
Remember - this is all of our wildflower meadow - you will enjoy it so much more - when you can walk around spotting flowers & trees you helped plant!!
Please read Chris's message - and then see if you can free up a few hours this coming Saturday - you will love it!!

"Hi everyone,

With funding secured, materials ordered and a morning with big tractor scheduled in by the council, the Mabley Green Meadow is full steam ahead.

But to get things really started, we'll need to do a short day of digging and sowing.

From the looks of things, the best day to do that would be Saturday 17 April from about 10.30am. So if you're free and keen to lend a hand, that'd be great.

The things we need to do are:
- Dig over the smaller parts of the site to loosen up the soil before sowing
- Make temporary fences to protect our seedlings (bamboo and string will do)
- Erect signage to tell people what we're up to
- Sow the seeds
- Have a cup of tea.

We have pretty much everything we need. But a couple of things still outstanding are a wheelbarrow and a rake. If you have access to either of those, please let me know. And if you have a big garden fork you could bring along, please do.

The more people we can get to help, the quicker and easier it'll be. So feel free to spread the word and invite anyone who might be interested.

I look forward to seeing you soon!
07747 437 236"
Update (15.04.10):
Hello all,

If you want to get stuck in and help turn part of Mabley Green into a colourful field of wildflowers, come down for some digging and seed sowing on Saturday from 11am onwards.

The key tasks for the day will be to:
- Dig over the ground to make it more seed-friendly. If you have a large garden fork, please bring it along.
- Sow the seeds. This is a bit trickier than it sounds, so we might leave that to our resident expert.
- Make temporary fences out of bamboo and string to protect our young seedlings.
- Erect a sign to tell everyone about what we're doing.
- Drink tea and have a chat.

Exciting news about the Growing Scheme!
Early on Saturday morning, we'll also be heading to B&Q to collect a truck load (literally) of free stuff to start our Community Growing Scheme. The scheme will be to grow woodland plants in pots, that will be transplanted into the shady parts of the site in autumn. So if you have a free window-sill or a spare corner of your garden for a pot or two, we'll set you up with everything you need. Also, if you know anyone else who might be keen, please do let them know: the more people growing plants, the bigger and better the meadow will be.

If you're reading this email and have no idea what's going on...
This summer, Mabley Green Users Group is transforming a section of the green into an urban wildflower meadow. The area we're using is the triangle of land between Eastway and the A12 flyover, which you can access via Lee Conservancy Road. On Saturday, we'll really get things started. So in a few months, we'll have a colourful field of flowers for both us and wildlife to enjoy.

Until now, I've only been sending updates about this to members of the Users Group who I've met at the previous two meetings. But since Martin sent out the last minutes, I now have all the members' email addresses, past and present. Which is why I've sent this to you now - sorry for not getting in touch earlier. So if you're around on Saturday, it'd be great to meet more members and get everyone involved. If not, I'll keep you posted about future events and volunteering days.

See you there!
Chris King
07747 437 236